The Experience

  1. The Patient’s experience:
    • Patients value the simplicity, safety and convenience of office based surgery,
    • They may eat and take usual medications same day.
    • They may drive to and from surgery, and work the same day.
    • No need for an accompanying adult.
    • Less pain post operatively with reduced opiate exposure.
    • The office environment is less stressful than the main OR.
    • But some are genuinely nervous, and a few very frightened about the process. VR mitigates these fears.
      • 80% of my patients choose to use VR when given the choice, and this elevates enjoyment and satisfaction compared to no use of VR.
      • VR reduced anxiety levels and increased the joy experienced by the patient, most effectively in my most anxious patients.
      • I found that patients with needle phobia and anxiety reported significantly lower pain during local anesthesia injection using VR
      • VR can deliver entertainment, engagement, educational and promotional material.
  2. The Surgeon’s experience
    • Surgeons can rely on the VR entertainment to both occupy their patients’ mind and educate them about their post operative recovery.
    • VR reduces or eliminates patient conversion to sedation, enabling the office procedure room.
    • The happiness and decreased anxiety of patients positively influence the clinical team, leading to improved workplace well-being.
  3. The Payer’s experience
    • As a single surgeon, I have saved payers over $25 million since 2016.
    • Payers are tired of paying for Part A billing and overly complex healthcare for more simple procedures that should be done in the office.